Saturday, December 11, 2010
Saturday Trading Post 12-11-10
Saturday Trading Post 12-11-10
Tix to sight and sound for xmas sound….want to sell it….cell phone..lg box 678 7567
James…small wood heating stove..fisher…holds 26 in piece of wood…10 by 10 100 dollars…1946 chevy hood..primered…need an offer…678 7626 after 12pm
Metal tool box for half ton pickup 25 dollars..dewalt finishing sander….10 dollars…20 foot goose neck trailer.holds 14 big bales of hay…call 678 7722
Wayne…new motor cycle battery…35 dollars….vinyl siding ..pickup load…take 25 dollars..for all of that…push mower..lawn boy…want to sell that…scrap washers and fridge…got 15 and 16 in tires…for 13’ss or 14’s…but 15 and 16’s…yes! …..
Portable building…450$ for that….call 466 2482
Toni…call off air…678 0802
Dennis…Cape Fair..guns..for sale ..bolt 22 old one…looks and shoots good….pump 12 guage shot model…black bear to buy blower motor like on propane whole thing…538 0890
Indoor sale at church..this weedend..restocked…another raggedy andy doll…older one…mickey and mini mouse..collectible…101 Cofeild
Tix to sight and sound for xmas sound….want to sell it….cell phone..lg box 678 7567
James…small wood heating stove..fisher…holds 26 in piece of wood…10 by 10 100 dollars…1946 chevy hood..primered…need an offer…678 7626 after 12pm
Metal tool box for half ton pickup 25 dollars..dewalt finishing sander….10 dollars…20 foot goose neck trailer.holds 14 big bales of hay…call 678 7722
Wayne…new motor cycle battery…35 dollars….vinyl siding ..pickup load…take 25 dollars..for all of that…push mower..lawn boy…want to sell that…scrap washers and fridge…got 15 and 16 in tires…for 13’ss or 14’s…but 15 and 16’s…yes! …..
Portable building…450$ for that….call 466 2482
Toni…call off air…678 0802
Dennis…Cape Fair..guns..for sale ..bolt 22 old one…looks and shoots good….pump 12 guage shot model…black bear to buy blower motor like on propane whole thing…538 0890
Indoor sale at church..this weedend..restocked…another raggedy andy doll…older one…mickey and mini mouse..collectible…101 Cofeild