Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday Trading Post 4-29-09
Wednesday Trading Post 4-29-09
Carnation and Highway 60 across from the Catholic Church…Friday May 1st 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to5 Sunday 12-5pm….correct paper ad
Entertianmnet center for sale…bed for sale…call 442 7646
For sale 8 by 10 storage shed 850 obo 440 9400
First time garage sale fri and sat rain or shine..antiques…home interior..craftsman garden cart…20 years worth 106 College in Marionville
Murriama back pack blower..kawasaki…350 dollars…600 new..stainless steel double tv chair for 25 dollars..dining table..wood top..extra leaf..cougar 4 wheeler rhinao..2650 $ metal bunk beds with mattresses….100 dollars….call 678 4892
Large garage sale 1.1/2 mi north of Friestatt on H Friday only 7 to 5:30 kids and adult clothing..nice toys…other things for home……
Satellite radio streamer with wireless remotes…activated…till july….13 dollars…100 dollars..for it…737 0769
Jvc vcr for sale with remote 20 dollars…another sanyo vcr no remote..with tv…25 dollars…green feather lite weedeater..30 ..669 4846
Marionville VFW clothing bank 2 dollar sack and shoes..nik naks…pictures for walls….fires..flodding and other causes..678 2940 258 2607 north on Central…two stop sighns..large stone building on right…north on central….
Yard sale Madison and st louis Aurora thurs fri sat
Betty…3 dog kennel carrier cages…two are metal…rubberized metal cage..large one…middle size..plastic middle size..40 dollars..large…20 each for small ones…mediam size…party wants to buy 15 horse motor…or trade a 6 horse jonson in on it…call 678 2220
2 tractors…8 N rings…battery ..paint..ready to go 1900 for it..massey ferguson 175 diesel ..60 hp..good tires..bail spike..bucket…good strong tractor…tires too…call 452 3269
Sore lower back? Inversion table…paid 500 $ for it new…borrowed it from him..want to sell it for 75 dollars…..294 2668
Want to buy straight shaft sthil weedeater…property in shell know..cambell paoint 850 dollars….1952 dodge panel truck….650 dollars 489 4995
Garage sale fri all day 8 to 4..sat 8 to noon soth from wal mart on 39 to 2020 east a mile….4 wheeler..screen door..lamp…golf clubs..linens…rain or shine….
Bird cages ..rabbit cages…alaaig sterio system…cd player…cassette player…stand for it…6 by 12 enclosed trailer…tandem axle…call 732 2553
Used fridge for sale full size…kitchen set with hard maple chairs..solid…476 2856 100 dollars each
Percussion set…like new…zylophone…pulling bag…100 dollars…678 3836
Miller…dairy goats…some mixed…reg full blooded..35 and up…big and little ones…selling …geese..laying eggs..selling pair for 50 dollars..wtb tred mill..and self propelle mowe..452 2408 and dog pen..
16 foot stock trailer…take 1100 for it…good stock trailer….got wrecker bed that goes on a wrecker..boom poles..heavy wench…300 466 8583
Swap meet at K and ZZ building materials…229 1342
Carnation and Highway 60 across from the Catholic Church…Friday May 1st 8 to 5 and Saturday 8 to5 Sunday 12-5pm….correct paper ad
Entertianmnet center for sale…bed for sale…call 442 7646
For sale 8 by 10 storage shed 850 obo 440 9400
First time garage sale fri and sat rain or shine..antiques…home interior..craftsman garden cart…20 years worth 106 College in Marionville
Murriama back pack blower..kawasaki…350 dollars…600 new..stainless steel double tv chair for 25 dollars..dining table..wood top..extra leaf..cougar 4 wheeler rhinao..2650 $ metal bunk beds with mattresses….100 dollars….call 678 4892
Large garage sale 1.1/2 mi north of Friestatt on H Friday only 7 to 5:30 kids and adult clothing..nice toys…other things for home……
Satellite radio streamer with wireless remotes…activated…till july….13 dollars…100 dollars..for it…737 0769
Jvc vcr for sale with remote 20 dollars…another sanyo vcr no remote..with tv…25 dollars…green feather lite weedeater..30 ..669 4846
Marionville VFW clothing bank 2 dollar sack and shoes..nik naks…pictures for walls….fires..flodding and other causes..678 2940 258 2607 north on Central…two stop sighns..large stone building on right…north on central….
Yard sale Madison and st louis Aurora thurs fri sat
Betty…3 dog kennel carrier cages…two are metal…rubberized metal cage..large one…middle size..plastic middle size..40 dollars..large…20 each for small ones…mediam size…party wants to buy 15 horse motor…or trade a 6 horse jonson in on it…call 678 2220
2 tractors…8 N rings…battery ..paint..ready to go 1900 for it..massey ferguson 175 diesel ..60 hp..good tires..bail spike..bucket…good strong tractor…tires too…call 452 3269
Sore lower back? Inversion table…paid 500 $ for it new…borrowed it from him..want to sell it for 75 dollars…..294 2668
Want to buy straight shaft sthil weedeater…property in shell know..cambell paoint 850 dollars….1952 dodge panel truck….650 dollars 489 4995
Garage sale fri all day 8 to 4..sat 8 to noon soth from wal mart on 39 to 2020 east a mile….4 wheeler..screen door..lamp…golf clubs..linens…rain or shine….
Bird cages ..rabbit cages…alaaig sterio system…cd player…cassette player…stand for it…6 by 12 enclosed trailer…tandem axle…call 732 2553
Used fridge for sale full size…kitchen set with hard maple chairs..solid…476 2856 100 dollars each
Percussion set…like new…zylophone…pulling bag…100 dollars…678 3836
Miller…dairy goats…some mixed…reg full blooded..35 and up…big and little ones…selling …geese..laying eggs..selling pair for 50 dollars..wtb tred mill..and self propelle mowe..452 2408 and dog pen..
16 foot stock trailer…take 1100 for it…good stock trailer….got wrecker bed that goes on a wrecker..boom poles..heavy wench…300 466 8583
Swap meet at K and ZZ building materials…229 1342