Thursday, September 04, 2008
Thursday Trading Post 9-04-08
Thursday Trading Post 9-4-08
Farm fresh brown eggs…1.50 a 413 between Crane and Elsie..723 5667
Parting out 95 dodge caravan mini van….bad xmission..good motor…receiver hitch…Chesapeake…174 east of Mt vernonn 471 342 7635.
Several items…moving….set of 18 with two plates of lovelace china….all…1037 value…500 obo…or will spit up…Sheffield classic 501 china…take 100 for that…12 bohemian crystal wine glasses..40 dollar…set of 8 heart and diamond goblets…50 dollars obo..set of blue six goblets..corrner cherry entertainment center…..home interiour..set of 8 crystal chandaliar….50 dollars…call 229 0923
Male german shperd..229 1617 tga
4 in die grinder..wagaoner heat gun…15 dollars…delta 6 in bench grinder with light..30 dollar…oil fileter wrenc for semi…plano tacke box…mis lures…collapsible fishing rod..zebco fishing …30 for it..breadk for trailer…hand held of 3 in gun nails…odds and ends…25 dollars….h alf a dozed bard rock roosters….258 2220
Nice double dresser…6 drawers with mirror..matching chest..4 drawer..511 W College..678 2042 lane cedar chest
John…gas dryer…works great…75 dollars…good shape…678 1917
16 foot camping trailer…good title…ready…d 50 dodge pu…ranger or s10 camper shell..5 speed…needs motor…large amount of good used tires…452 3269
Peggy…needs a split skirt like from around civil war era..womens size 8, 10 or 12…sutiable color….looking for apple cider or grape press..knee high…little tiny skinny pony…wants blanket…horse blankets….for 42 in tall pony….and good deal…498 2341
2006 4 wheelr…200 cc 800 dollars…heffers…300 each…call 466 8583
Singer sewing machine…old peddle…25 dollars..for it..restorable…brother sewing…case got dropped and is broken…25 d.. 678 4915
Janea…Marioville library..story time…adult program…10 and 1:30 on Thursday’s….learning about new digital tv …
463 2675
Will open back lot area during Applefest…
Looking for zero turn commercial type mower…snapper would be nice..but not necessary….grasshopper…678 7719
Puppies to give away….cocker in appearance…need a good….354 8451
Rose Bar Nothing Acres….744 4133
1998 hyundai…ac ..3 door hatch back…rear break..tinted owner….2500 dollars..cell..629 8313
Round bales of grass hay…20 dollars a bale…1135 north of Verona..498 6970
Don..tga 200 bricks…wood ….shingls…wheels…mower type…glass….interested? 678 7801
Happy 89th Birtdday…Aurora….Ethel Brinker
1995 suzuki Madura 1200 4 cyl enging 30 mpg…619 7755 motorycle
Bail sp ike for back of truck..mounts to trailer hitch ball..600 ..field digger…ford brand…250 for it..229 2812
Cameras…surveillance..camerals…and motorcycle helmet…160 gig…dvr manual…4 50 foot cord….678 7738
Tow tires…699 2721
Farm fresh brown eggs…1.50 a 413 between Crane and Elsie..723 5667
Parting out 95 dodge caravan mini van….bad xmission..good motor…receiver hitch…Chesapeake…174 east of Mt vernonn 471 342 7635.
Several items…moving….set of 18 with two plates of lovelace china….all…1037 value…500 obo…or will spit up…Sheffield classic 501 china…take 100 for that…12 bohemian crystal wine glasses..40 dollar…set of 8 heart and diamond goblets…50 dollars obo..set of blue six goblets..corrner cherry entertainment center…..home interiour..set of 8 crystal chandaliar….50 dollars…call 229 0923
Male german shperd..229 1617 tga
4 in die grinder..wagaoner heat gun…15 dollars…delta 6 in bench grinder with light..30 dollar…oil fileter wrenc for semi…plano tacke box…mis lures…collapsible fishing rod..zebco fishing …30 for it..breadk for trailer…hand held of 3 in gun nails…odds and ends…25 dollars….h alf a dozed bard rock roosters….258 2220
Nice double dresser…6 drawers with mirror..matching chest..4 drawer..511 W College..678 2042 lane cedar chest
John…gas dryer…works great…75 dollars…good shape…678 1917
16 foot camping trailer…good title…ready…d 50 dodge pu…ranger or s10 camper shell..5 speed…needs motor…large amount of good used tires…452 3269
Peggy…needs a split skirt like from around civil war era..womens size 8, 10 or 12…sutiable color….looking for apple cider or grape press..knee high…little tiny skinny pony…wants blanket…horse blankets….for 42 in tall pony….and good deal…498 2341
2006 4 wheelr…200 cc 800 dollars…heffers…300 each…call 466 8583
Singer sewing machine…old peddle…25 dollars..for it..restorable…brother sewing…case got dropped and is broken…25 d.. 678 4915
Janea…Marioville library..story time…adult program…10 and 1:30 on Thursday’s….learning about new digital tv …
463 2675
Will open back lot area during Applefest…
Looking for zero turn commercial type mower…snapper would be nice..but not necessary….grasshopper…678 7719
Puppies to give away….cocker in appearance…need a good….354 8451
Rose Bar Nothing Acres….744 4133
1998 hyundai…ac ..3 door hatch back…rear break..tinted owner….2500 dollars..cell..629 8313
Round bales of grass hay…20 dollars a bale…1135 north of Verona..498 6970
Don..tga 200 bricks…wood ….shingls…wheels…mower type…glass….interested? 678 7801
Happy 89th Birtdday…Aurora….Ethel Brinker
1995 suzuki Madura 1200 4 cyl enging 30 mpg…619 7755 motorycle
Bail sp ike for back of truck..mounts to trailer hitch ball..600 ..field digger…ford brand…250 for it..229 2812
Cameras…surveillance..camerals…and motorcycle helmet…160 gig…dvr manual…4 50 foot cord….678 7738
Tow tires…699 2721