Thursday, February 15, 2007
Thursday Afternoon Trading Post 2-15-07
Thursday Afternoon Trading Post 2-15-07 Dan K
Light bar…two way radio 219 0190 etc…tent..etc…
4 wheel drive pu wtb rat terrier …229 0954
Walter..wtb..long range tv antenna….sell 2000 pontiac grand prix…loaded..runs good..looks good…678 1119 4000 dollar
John…tires for sale…6 ply… lt 245 75 r 16’s asking best offer 678 1917
Sr high youth group 12 to 2 1st presbeterina church…spaghetti…salad
Sears roto tillers….Presidents Sale…still have last years tractors…close out prices…two log splitters…27 ton 6.5 horsepower…special…10 batterys in pack…99 cents…package.
Wtb tred mill..678 3462
Male chiwawa pups…registered 100 each obo..australian cattle dogs too…466 7224
Jack…older craftsman table saw on stand…8 in 40 dollars..cyclone tractor grass seeder..good shape…100 dollars…front tine tiller…85 dollars….two heavy duty electric extension cords..made of #8 wire…35 dollars each..several pieces of car siding lumber 6 and 5/8 wide..set of floor mats….4 chrome wheels….60 dollars…wife has a few akc shetly puppies..with papers…to a good home only…call 498 6589
Light bar…two way radio 219 0190 etc…tent..etc…
4 wheel drive pu wtb rat terrier …229 0954
Walter..wtb..long range tv antenna….sell 2000 pontiac grand prix…loaded..runs good..looks good…678 1119 4000 dollar
John…tires for sale…6 ply… lt 245 75 r 16’s asking best offer 678 1917
Sr high youth group 12 to 2 1st presbeterina church…spaghetti…salad
Sears roto tillers….Presidents Sale…still have last years tractors…close out prices…two log splitters…27 ton 6.5 horsepower…special…10 batterys in pack…99 cents…package.
Wtb tred mill..678 3462
Male chiwawa pups…registered 100 each obo..australian cattle dogs too…466 7224
Jack…older craftsman table saw on stand…8 in 40 dollars..cyclone tractor grass seeder..good shape…100 dollars…front tine tiller…85 dollars….two heavy duty electric extension cords..made of #8 wire…35 dollars each..several pieces of car siding lumber 6 and 5/8 wide..set of floor mats….4 chrome wheels….60 dollars…wife has a few akc shetly puppies..with papers…to a good home only…call 498 6589