Thursday, November 10, 2005
Thursday Afternoon T
Thursday Afternoon Trading Post 11-10-05 Dan K
Call paul… pick up leaves…for worm bed and other stuff..will take leave 258 7828 258 0084
Water waders ///size 9 sell for 40 dollars…cell phone 737 1423
8 foot pool table 678 2232
bargain.. hens…red some domineekers…extra wide…big two horse paint…1000 for that… 466 8583
Lloyd…pressure cooker 5 qt….other pots and pans plates 440 0120
322 cofield ..file cabinet
yard sale thru sat past mariionville pharmacy cub cadet pool table movies…
wanting bee gums..and supers:? To haul off…or 12 inch boards hauled off 678 7434
pair of ladies black sued dress boots…higher boot…size 8 mediam…brand new….30 dollars…3 dress flannel button down shirts….3 for 18 dollars….538 1060
extra large
one year old great pyrannese guard dog…mustang horse…200 obo..half dozen wire …466 7224
want to buy ele meat grinder…723 8091
wtb 12 by 14 or 16 out building shed….used out half Arabian half qt paint…2 years old….ready to be broke 600 firm….678 1331
Berryville , Airdale female registered….varment dog….german short haired pointer bird dog female pup….qt horse black and white paint fillie colt year and a half old..saddled up….like to sell her….870 423 6710
Looking for pu to buy 3000 dollar range….good one 574 6956
Call paul… pick up leaves…for worm bed and other stuff..will take leave 258 7828 258 0084
Water waders ///size 9 sell for 40 dollars…cell phone 737 1423
8 foot pool table 678 2232
bargain.. hens…red some domineekers…extra wide…big two horse paint…1000 for that… 466 8583
Lloyd…pressure cooker 5 qt….other pots and pans plates 440 0120
322 cofield ..file cabinet
yard sale thru sat past mariionville pharmacy cub cadet pool table movies…
wanting bee gums..and supers:? To haul off…or 12 inch boards hauled off 678 7434
pair of ladies black sued dress boots…higher boot…size 8 mediam…brand new….30 dollars…3 dress flannel button down shirts….3 for 18 dollars….538 1060
extra large
one year old great pyrannese guard dog…mustang horse…200 obo..half dozen wire …466 7224
want to buy ele meat grinder…723 8091
wtb 12 by 14 or 16 out building shed….used out half Arabian half qt paint…2 years old….ready to be broke 600 firm….678 1331
Berryville , Airdale female registered….varment dog….german short haired pointer bird dog female pup….qt horse black and white paint fillie colt year and a half old..saddled up….like to sell her….870 423 6710
Looking for pu to buy 3000 dollar range….good one 574 6956